Thursday, December 5, 2013

Album 5!
july 8, 2013

Alizée has realeased her fifth album earlier this year! And she was very creative with the name of her fifth album: Its name is 5. And I must say this album has added fuel for my obsession with Alizée. This album once again has the same vibe as her earlier album Une Enfant Du Siécle, but unlike the last album, it pulls this style off. Her new songs have a bit more of her old techno style mixed into a more mellowing sounding song. Its hard for me to explain why this album has pulled it off so much better than the last, but it has. And has any one else been watching Alizée on that dance show in France? I have only been watching bits and pieces. But as I am sure you have read from my blogs in the past, Alizée’s first love is dancing and she definitely has been showing it off on this show! Makes me wish I could see her perform live, but unfornately for all the American Alizée fans. Alizée has made no tours in America. Alizée never lived up to my earlier dream of becoming a huge hit in America despite the language barrier. She has had her share of success in our southern neighbor Mexico but that fever has never crossed the border to Americans. But that’s ok. I have enjoyed Alizée's music for years (as Im sure you have too)! But who knows, after 13 years of making music it is clear that Alizée is not just a one hit wonder so maybe she could still make a hit song that will be a huge success in America! Either way… I will still love her music. Now take a listen to her firstsong off of her new album: A Cause de L'automne (James Bond all the way)

Ten years of Music!!!!!!
December 18, 2010

Alizée is once again came back this year with a new album! It has now been ten years since she began her music career and she has made many different hits(my favorite is still Mademoiselle Juliette) and has been a huge success in countries all over the world. Now Alizée is coming out with her fourth album Une Enfant Du Siécle. Now I must say that I was of course super excited for the release of this album, I mean we haven’t heard anything new from Alizée  in a few years and as you know I am a HUGE fan. But I have to realistic in saying this was not my favorite album. Now don’t get me wrong; I do like some of the songs. But as a whole the songs are bit too dreamy for my taste. There are some songs that I like such as Factory Girl. Also, this album has songs that are completely in English like the song Limelight, so for once I can understand the lyrics to her songs! So although this album did not live up to my expectations that have been building up for the past ten years, I do still like a song or two. And of course I am still a faithful fan of Alizée. What do you other Alizée fans out there think? Do you like this new album with its new sound? I want your honest opinions here as I have been honest with you! Also feel free to post any Alizée tributes to celebrate her ten years of success!

Busy as Ever!
December 5, 2007

So Alizée has been busy again! Not only in the entertainment world but in her own personal life! For those who have not heard the news yet let me inform yout hat Alizée is now a mother to a little girl! Congratulations to Alizée and her boyfriend Jeremy Chatelain.  Their little girl’s name is Annily and she was born on Apirl 28, 2005! Unfortunately I could not find any pictures for you all to see!

        But being a new mother is not stopping Alizée to continue with her music career. Her third album Psychédélices is now released! And I must say this album is my favorite! Alizée takes her techno pop music to a whole new level. My favorite on this album is the first song Mademoiselle Juliette.  And may I point out the new tattoo that Alizée shows off in her video for this song. Only Alizée can make Tinker Bell look so sexy as a tattoo. You have to watch the video just see seee that! But don't stop with just that song. This whole album fulfills everything you would expect from Alizée: it is fun, techno, and sexy. She definitely has not disappointed me in this album. And Im sure you will agree with me. Take a look at her new video down below and let me know if you agree that this is the best Alizée song EVER!



               Mes Courants Electriques
December 15, 2004

 Hello again!!!! So my girl Alizée has released her second album Mes Courants Electriques. Before I jump into telling you how amazing her newest album is, let us review. So of course you all know from my previous blogs that Alizée has received many, MANY awards for her first album Gourmandises. These awards were of course not limited to France but also in other countries… including England! Crossing into England's pop charts is a great feat for any artist (especially if the artist doesn’t sing in English). But lets not talk about the past for too long. Alizée has a new album!!!! And although this album has not gone quite so big as her debut was it still is a fantastic album! My personal favorite is Tempete. This song is much slower than the typical Alizée song. Although I love her usually upbeat tunes, I must say I love this new side of Alizée. It really compliments her sweet light voice. And of course a lot of the other songs have that techno Alizée sound that we have all come to love! So yes you should definitely give this album a listen! Below you can check out her one of her newest music vidoes! A little fun fact about Alizée: Did you know that Alizée originally was going to audition on Graines de Star for dancing and not singing!?! Apparently dancing is her first love. Explains why shes so amzing at it! 

January 4, 2001

Hello my fellow international music listeners! So anyone who pays a little bit of attention to the international music scene will know the name Alizée. But for those of you who may not be too familiar with the new French music sensation, allow me to introduce you to her. Alizée is a French pop artist from the Corsica, which is an island off the shore of France in the Mediterranean (I had to look up where it was). She gained fame from participating in the French music show Graines de Star in 1999. Soon after, she began to record music. So Alizée, only 16 years old, has conquered the French with her first album Gourmandises and now is on her way to taking over EUROPE! As a fan of foreign pop music, Alizée has definitely caught my eye.  Alizée’s music is the perfect "teenage" pop music. Her smooth voice combined with a fun techno beat is a combination that you will remember. If you have watched her video, you will definitely be struck by how young she really is. Just like our American Pop Princess Brittney Spears, she is young but she can definitely put on a show.  
And yes, this French singer sings most of her songs in French. To some people (especially Americans), listening to music with lyrics in another language is pointless, but to me Alizée’s light voice is given an even bigger advantage by singing in French. It adds a certain element of..... Romance. So yes I would definitely recommend her French music to any English speaker (Yes that includes you). So here is Alizée's biggest single Moi Lolita on her debut album Gourmandises. Let me know what you think of it! I must say I love it! Maybe she will be one of the rare European talents that gain recognition in the States!