Thursday, December 5, 2013

Ten years of Music!!!!!!
December 18, 2010

Alizée is once again came back this year with a new album! It has now been ten years since she began her music career and she has made many different hits(my favorite is still Mademoiselle Juliette) and has been a huge success in countries all over the world. Now Alizée is coming out with her fourth album Une Enfant Du Siécle. Now I must say that I was of course super excited for the release of this album, I mean we haven’t heard anything new from Alizée  in a few years and as you know I am a HUGE fan. But I have to realistic in saying this was not my favorite album. Now don’t get me wrong; I do like some of the songs. But as a whole the songs are bit too dreamy for my taste. There are some songs that I like such as Factory Girl. Also, this album has songs that are completely in English like the song Limelight, so for once I can understand the lyrics to her songs! So although this album did not live up to my expectations that have been building up for the past ten years, I do still like a song or two. And of course I am still a faithful fan of Alizée. What do you other Alizée fans out there think? Do you like this new album with its new sound? I want your honest opinions here as I have been honest with you! Also feel free to post any Alizée tributes to celebrate her ten years of success!

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