Thursday, December 5, 2013

Busy as Ever!
December 5, 2007

So Alizée has been busy again! Not only in the entertainment world but in her own personal life! For those who have not heard the news yet let me inform yout hat Alizée is now a mother to a little girl! Congratulations to Alizée and her boyfriend Jeremy Chatelain.  Their little girl’s name is Annily and she was born on Apirl 28, 2005! Unfortunately I could not find any pictures for you all to see!

        But being a new mother is not stopping Alizée to continue with her music career. Her third album Psychédélices is now released! And I must say this album is my favorite! Alizée takes her techno pop music to a whole new level. My favorite on this album is the first song Mademoiselle Juliette.  And may I point out the new tattoo that Alizée shows off in her video for this song. Only Alizée can make Tinker Bell look so sexy as a tattoo. You have to watch the video just see seee that! But don't stop with just that song. This whole album fulfills everything you would expect from Alizée: it is fun, techno, and sexy. She definitely has not disappointed me in this album. And Im sure you will agree with me. Take a look at her new video down below and let me know if you agree that this is the best Alizée song EVER!



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